Crash when placing a tie

• Jan 2, 2023 - 10:57

I experience a crash when placing a tie in measures 192-193 between D notes in violin part. Currently the note has a slur, try deleting it and placing a tie instead. The file seems corrupted, musescore 4 tells so when opening file. If I export it to mxl format and open in musescore 3 it tells me following:

Measure 9, staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 2/2; Found: 16/8
Measure 16, staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 2/2; Found: 16/8
Measure 17, staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 2/2; Found: 16/8
Measure 25, staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 2/2; Found: 16/8
Measure 33, staff 2 incomplete. Expected: 2/2; Found: 16/8

Attachment Size
ViolinPiano.mscz 109.61 KB

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