Considerations over MuseScore 4 bugs occurred during complete orchestral transcription

• Jan 2, 2023 - 21:34

Hi all,

I am a 10+ year Sibelius user who decided to switch to MuseScore after its latest release. In order to get acquainted with it and to test its characteristics and limitations, I decided to transcribe a rather large composition, the first movement of the "Symphony of Psalms" by I. Stravinsky. Some of you were already very kind to help me in the process and at the end of it, I can say I'm definitely sold on MuseScore, its vision and community.

On the way to accomplishing this task, though, I faced two critical bugs that systematically cause MuseScore to crash, mainly related to deleting items on a larger score, which are the following:

1) deleting horizontal frames, anywhere in the score
2) deleting whole parts

This implies that, at the moment, there's no way I can delete unwanted parts and/or horizontal frames. I'm working on a Mid-2015 MacBookPro (Intel, Big Sur).

See the attached score for further insight.

Having said that, bravo to all the community and development team, I look forward to further releases and I hope this helps.

Attachment Size
STRAVINSKY - Symphony of Psalms.mscz 342.98 KB

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