Change color of highlighted section

• Jan 3, 2023 - 22:40

I want to highlight several measures and change the color of the highlighted section. For example, there may be two measures in yellow, four measures in green, four measures in blue, etc. I cannot figure out how to do this in Muse Score 4. It would be very useful if I could select the measures, open a color wheel and click on the color I want. How can I do this?


Once created, colored line(s) can be saved in a palette for future use.
The thickness, color, and length shown here are chosen for example.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Hi Randy,

As usual Jm6stringer's method is pretty slick. AND it works with native MuseScore's objects.

I managed a similar result with SVG objects. You can export SVGs from vector or pixel editing apps like Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo. Then you can drag the SVG file into a MuseScore frame. You can then copy/paste the SVG to any note, or drag it rom the frame there to a palette for future use. One advantage to SVG is you can set a border color, alpha transparency, use a gradient or patterned fill, or the Mona Lisa. Possibilities are endless.

As with the Lined approach, you'll have to set the use a low stacking order to get the SVG to display behind the staff lines ... unfortunately the stacking doesn't work completely on

And with either approach—even with the line or SVG highlight "sent behind" the notes—clicking a note selects the highlight rather than the note! To get the note you can to click again, but with Control/Command-click.

     SVG stacking order.mscz

And here's a sample rectangular SVG objects in various color. You can resize them freely in height or width:

     Rect - Blue 02.svg

     Rect - Green.svg

     Rect - Yellow.svg


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks very much for these comments. Unfortunately, I am not computer-savvy enough to accomplish these instructions. For example, I could not find "Thickness" in Properties, nor could I drag the color, so I was not able to get to the step of "Arrange" "To Back." Until the developer adds a user-friendly way to add color, I guess I will be out of luck! But I really appreciate your help. Again, thanks!

In reply to by randymcclanahan

A bit more: Although I was not able to highlight the bar lines, your comment DID help me locate the color palate so that I could at least change the color of the textual chord symbols in my lead sheet, which accomplishes my purpose of trying to organize various chords into their respective tonal centers. Thanks for the help! I would still like to see the addition of color made easier in Muse Score. Hope they will do that in the future!

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