Battery Percussion

• Sep 22, 2014 - 23:33

Can we please, please, please have a native battery percussion instrumentation on MuseScore 2? I have tried to use other soundfonts with battery percussion included, but this sacrifices the quality of the current soundfont.


What is battery percussion?

What instruments does it contain?

Why does it compromise sound quality when you can use another soundfont in conjunction with the default?

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

A quick Google told me that a battery persussion line is just a group of marching band drummers, comprising snare drums, bass drums, tenor drums, and cymbals, all performing while marching, as the rest of the band remain static.

Seems as if it would be simple enough to create a style sheet to do the same job.
(style sheet may be the wrong terminology).

In reply to by murray45a

In which case the Mike Schorsch Drumline Soundfont I extracted from TimGM6mb should do the job.

There is also a variation I made with double HiHats and Cymbals I made for someone who's school marchng band had dual hihats and cymbals.

I will setup a package for those complete with keymap and Drumset definition that can be downloaded.

Watch this space :)

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