File is critically corrupted during editing

• Jan 4, 2023 - 21:46

I was using MuseScore 4.0 and trying to group notes (beams) in this odd composite meter piano part (imported from a midi file) in order to be able to grasp more easily what's going on rhythmically. Suddenly MuseScore crashed and I could not open neither the last saved version nor the autosaved version. I saw a couple of errors in the console:

22:35:05.756 | DEBUG | main_thread | XmlReader | unknown: MSCX error at line 0: invalid measure length: 96/192
22:35:05.757 | DEBUG | main_thread | XmlReader | unknown: tag in line 0 col 0: voice
22:35:05.757 | DEBUG | main_thread | XmlReader | unknown: MSCX error at line 0: invalid measure length: 96/192

but I could not figure out how to manually fix those in the mscx file.
Can anyone please help me on this?

Attachment Size
firthof5.mscz 43.66 KB

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