Globally Change Beams Angle

• Jan 5, 2023 - 18:56

I wonder if it's possible to globally change the angle of beams in a score? In one particular score, there are a few dozen instances where the beam almost completely hides the first auxiliary line. Please see attached image: I would like them to be as in the second measure, without having to manually adjust them individually.

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Beams angle.png 9.68 KB


Is this in Version 3.6.2? The beaming algorithm has been extensively overhauled in version 4 to avoid a lot of problems. I'm not sure if this problem is one of those.

To answer your question, no there isn't except for forcing them to be horizontal. It is not clear that forcing a fixed angle for all beams would be useful, it could cause different problems in other places.

I'm not sure that an algorithm could very easily avoid this problem automatically - at a certain point (if the notes were a bit lower) it would be impossible anyway. It strikes me as the kind of place where you should expect to have to manually intervene. (I'd probably offset one of the voices in this case, personally.)

In reply to by oktophonie

The algorithm part is beyond my understanding of MS, I''m afraid. However, I agree that not all such problems can be solved automatically without possibly creating other ones. This happens to be the first score where there are many such beams hiding auxiliary lines, and manually intervening is probably the easiest solution.

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