Note not played when added

• Jan 8, 2023 - 18:07

Hi! I am a happy Linux user, and I make guitar tabs with MuseScore 3.

Noticed that in version 4 the software does not play notes the moment I add them to the tablature. Is there an option to make it happen like it was in version 3? Or is it something related to my system maybe?

Thanks in advance!


In reply to by Shoichi

That seems like random suggestions, does not it?

There is nothing in the mixer that can control this behavior, there is one setting under "View/Playback Setup" for a "MuseScore Basic" profile - "Set as default for new scores", the fonts docs explain how to install new fonts.

The nightly behaves the same way. I assume it is a bug then?

In reply to by Shoichi

Hmm, I think we are not talking about the same thing.

On the video there is no sound the very moment I add the notes (only for version 4, version 3 plays them). There is no issue when the score is played later, or when I navigate between notes during editing (for both versions).

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