MuseScore-4.0.0-x86_64.AppImage only play with root permisions

• Jan 12, 2023 - 18:47

The program only plays the score and is heard only if I open it with administrator permissions from dolphin in ubuntusdio 22.04.

MY system is ubuntu Linux 5.15.0-57-lowlatency (x86_64)
GNU C Library / (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.35-0ubuntu3.1) 2.35
Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS.

This is the output that the console gives if I open it normally, not as root.

QEventLoop: Cannot be used without QApplication
QEventLoop: Cannot be used without QApplication
20:25:36.390 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule | onPreInit: log path: /home/auriin/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/MuseScore_230108_202536.log
20:25:36.390 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule | onPreInit: === Started MuseScore 4.0.0, build number 223472159 ===
20:25:36.399 | ERROR | main_thread | LanguagesService | setCurrentLanguage: Error loading translator "/tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0//locale/qt_es.qm"
20:25:36.717 | INFO | main_thread | DiagnosticsModule | onInit: success start crash handler
20:25:37.820 | WARN | main_thread | CloudService | readTokens: Could not find the tokens file: /home/auriin/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/cred.dat
20:25:37.822 | INFO | main_thread | IpcSocket | connect: success connected to ipc server
20:25:39.711 | ERROR | main_thread | PluginsService | scanFileSystemForPlugins: [401] El archivo no existe
20:25:41.543 | WARN | main_thread | AbstractMenuModel | makeMenuItem: not found action: colornotes
20:25:41.543 | WARN | main_thread | AbstractMenuModel | makeMenuItem: not found action: mirror-intervals-3
20:25:41.543 | WARN | main_thread | AbstractMenuModel | makeMenuItem: not found action: notenames
20:25:42.822 | ERROR | 139865305904704 | UpdateService | parseRelease: failed parse, err: "valor ilegal"
20:25:42.826 | ERROR | main_thread | UpdateScenario | doCheckForUpdate: Unable to check for update, error: [1701]
20:25:44.430 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher | dispatch: try call action: file-open
20:25:46.121 | ERROR | main_thread | LayoutSystem | justifySystem: *** System justification error ***
20:25:46.490 | ERROR | 139865870009920 | SynthResolver | resolveSynth: invalid audio source params for trackId: 0
20:25:46.594 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:46.597 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:46.684 | ERROR | 139865870009920 | SynthResolver | resolveSynth: invalid audio source params for trackId: 2
20:25:46.691 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:46.692 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.062 | ERROR | 139865870009920 | SynthResolver | resolveSynth: invalid audio source params for trackId: 5
20:25:47.070 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.071 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.334 | ERROR | 139865870009920 | SynthResolver | resolveSynth: invalid audio source params for trackId: 7
20:25:47.340 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.341 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.343 | ERROR | 139865870009920 | SynthResolver | resolveSynth: invalid audio source params for trackId: 8
20:25:47.349 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.350 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.521 | ERROR | 139865870009920 | SynthResolver | resolveSynth: invalid audio source params for trackId: 10
20:25:47.526 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.528 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:50.229 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher | dispatch: try call action: play
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.232 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.272 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher | dispatch: try call action: play
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.275 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.275 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.275 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF

I have the musescore 3 version installed and it works everything except the midi input.

My user is added to the audio group in the system.

Thanks for your attention. Regards.


A fairly recent AppImage for 4.0.0 runs on my Ubuntu Linux 20.04 from a desktop launcher icon. I'm curious why you include mention about "user added to the audio group". Where/how did you determine you needed to deal with that?

In reply to by graffesmusic

Hello good morning

Since ubuntustudio 20.04 TLS I use pipewire, it has simplified me and avoided problems that I had to deal with too often before, since then I have not directly interacted with the jack control, it does appear as an option in some program configurations, but for example my DAW Arodur doesn't behave well if I choose to use it with jack/pulseaudio-->>pipewire, and I usually use it with alsa, unless I need the interaction with firefox/zoom, etc and other programs that pipewire controls, ardor this way works but not always good.

Could the suggestion to modify ~/.asoundrc break pipewire? I wouldn't want to break the whole system just to get musescore 4 to work.

Thanks for your attention, regards.

In reply to by Are Jayem

Hi Are
About the audio group:
Typically, this is used to allow the user to run jack with realtime scheduling
-create file /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf
@audio - rtprio 95
@audio - memlock unlimited
-create a group audio (
-add user to group.
Depending on your distribution, this could already be in place and all you have to do --if you use jack -- is add the user to the audio group. e.g. on ubuntu - if you have jack installed (22.04, probably the same on previous versions)
Of course, no jack in MS4

In reply to by Are Jayem

Hello good morning Are Jayem

In linux I have sometimes had to check the user's membership in the audio group, following instructions from people who know more than I do about the operation of this operating system regarding programs, libraries/dependencies, etc. and their configurations.

A relatively common recommendation that I have sometimes received with audio problems is to check if my user is in the audio group.

as graffesmusic explains

Although I've been using linux for years, I'm not a programmer, I use the linux console even though I'm not an expert, trying not to screw up the operating system.

It just occurred to me that there may be a permissions problem with the application, because perhaps the musescore 4 application is trying to connect directly to the wrong audio card and that's why I tried to open it as root and if it works, at least it can be heard.

snap applications and Appimage sometimes seem to have a problem fitting well with the system they are installed on, but I don't know why, I'm not a programmer.

For example, the firefox browser that comes by default in ubuntu (version snap) doesn't get along well with some firefox add-ons that I usually use, so I have the deb version installed, which doesn't give me any problems.

I'm not a professional musician, I'm trying to learn to compose and although I knew about musescore 3 I didn't get to use it regularly, nowadays due to personal circumstances I have a little more time, and I've seen the new version of musescore 4 but at the moment I can't get it to work How is it supposed to do it, I don't know if it's a bug or if you have to make changes to the system configuration just to make musescore 4 work, I wouldn't want to ruin all the audio on the system by making this program work

I'll keep an eye out for suggestions/solutions, and if it doesn't work, it'll be a shame because the new sounds on musehub are much better than the midis and soundfounds I have access to, I don't have a lot of money and a lot of orchestral things are created for windows and linux even though they work with wine, they are unstable because of the system resources they consume together with my DAW which are ARDOUR AND MIXBUS.

Thanks for your attention, regards.

In reply to by hobus

Lots of points... ('snap' -- you DON'T want to hear my thoughts on that.) I think if MS3 or MS4 are 'installed', the binary goes into /usr/bin. Whenever I've used an AppImage, not only do I put the binary into /usr/bin, but I make sure its permissions are "chmod +x" (make it executable by all). And I "chown root file-in-question" and "chgrp root file-in-question" so it matches the bulk of what's in /usr/bin. To do most of that, you'd need superuser/admin permission. These are my opinions - others may have differing opinions.

Since you're using terminal/command line occasionally, you might consider a complete system backup, if not once every 3, 4 months, but recurring, say, every 2 weeks? (Up to you.) When you're playing in the land of danger, you want fall-back options.

Under Ubuntu 18.04, MS4 did not work. After researching this, I relented and upgraded to 20.04 and eventually I got both MS4 and MuseHub working. When you say it doesn't work, it really helps folk here to get from you 1) error messages?, 2) in what manner specifically did it not work... If it starts up, then immediately exits, that's a different behavior from not even starting, and that helps us advise further.

In reply to by Are Jayem

Hello Are Jayem

The program opens and receives midi, and I can use the mouse to paint notes, but it doesn't play, the blue bar stops at the beginning and if I go to configuration, the audio only shows the option "default system" which cannot be changed and if you try to change the buffer the program hangs.

if I open it from dolphin with administrator privileges if it plays.

Next I show you the salt that the console gives when I open it normally without being root:

QEventLoop: Cannot be used without QApplication
QEventLoop: Cannot be used without QApplication
20:25:36.390 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule | onPreInit: log path: /home/auriin/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/MuseScore_230108_202536.log
20:25:36.390 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule | onPreInit: === Started MuseScore 4.0.0, build number 223472159 ===
20:25:36.399 | ERROR | main_thread | LanguagesService | setCurrentLanguage: Error loading translator "/tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0//locale/qt_es.qm"
20:25:36.717 | INFO | main_thread | DiagnosticsModule | onInit: success start crash handler
20:25:37.820 | WARN | main_thread | CloudService | readTokens: Could not find the tokens file: /home/auriin/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/cred.dat
20:25:37.822 | INFO | main_thread | IpcSocket | connect: success connected to ipc server
20:25:39.711 | ERROR | main_thread | PluginsService | scanFileSystemForPlugins: [401] El archivo no existe
20:25:41.543 | WARN | main_thread | AbstractMenuModel | makeMenuItem: not found action: colornotes
20:25:41.543 | WARN | main_thread | AbstractMenuModel | makeMenuItem: not found action: mirror-intervals-3
20:25:41.543 | WARN | main_thread | AbstractMenuModel | makeMenuItem: not found action: notenames
20:25:42.822 | ERROR | 139865305904704 | UpdateService | parseRelease: failed parse, err: "valor ilegal"
20:25:42.826 | ERROR | main_thread | UpdateScenario | doCheckForUpdate: Unable to check for update, error: [1701]
20:25:44.430 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher | dispatch: try call action: file-open
20:25:46.121 | ERROR | main_thread | LayoutSystem | justifySystem: *** System justification error ***
20:25:46.490 | ERROR | 139865870009920 | SynthResolver | resolveSynth: invalid audio source params for trackId: 0
20:25:46.594 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:46.597 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:46.684 | ERROR | 139865870009920 | SynthResolver | resolveSynth: invalid audio source params for trackId: 2
20:25:46.691 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:46.692 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.062 | ERROR | 139865870009920 | SynthResolver | resolveSynth: invalid audio source params for trackId: 5
20:25:47.070 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.071 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.334 | ERROR | 139865870009920 | SynthResolver | resolveSynth: invalid audio source params for trackId: 7
20:25:47.340 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.341 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.343 | ERROR | 139865870009920 | SynthResolver | resolveSynth: invalid audio source params for trackId: 8
20:25:47.349 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.350 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.521 | ERROR | 139865870009920 | SynthResolver | resolveSynth: invalid audio source params for trackId: 10
20:25:47.526 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:47.528 | INFO | 139865870009920 | FluidSynth | addSoundFonts: success load soundfont: /tmp/.mount_mscoremxvBxb/share/mscore4portable-4.0/sound/MS Basic.sf3
20:25:50.229 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher | dispatch: try call action: play
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.231 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:50.232 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.272 | INFO | main_thread | ActionsDispatcher | dispatch: try call action: play
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.274 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.275 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.275 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF
20:25:51.275 | INFO | 139865870009920 | MuseSamplerWrapper | flushSound: ALL NOTES OFF

I'll keep checking things, until it works, I'm going to be busy for a few days helping a sick family member, then I'll continue with this musescore thing.

Thanks for your interest Regards

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