Playback on individual note selection

• Jan 13, 2023 - 12:38


I am working an a choral piece where part of the score is written in pianissimo. When I select a note to start playback, it will shout it at me in mezzaforte instead of adopting the pianissimo of the whole section. It then often but not always, doubles the insult by not playing the actual selected note when I press spacebar for playback, but instead starts on the next note in the bar.

It is really difficult to work with, but I don't want to turn off selected note playback as I want to be able to hear it, just at a sensible volume.

Is there a work-around or a way to control the selected note volume? At present I am trying to remember to select dynamics, lyrics or articulations when I don't want to hear the note, but it's a faff.

Any help will be much appreciated




My answer works with MS 3.6.2.
Select the whole measure instead a single note. Then start playback. It starts at the beginning of this measure an no note will sound before.
Of course this is not applicable if you want to start playback in the middle of a measure.

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