Export mp3 from musescore

• Jan 17, 2023 - 18:01

Hi all,
this there a way to export single voices as mp3 files? For example, if you look at the attached picture, I would like to export 4 mp3 files, one for each voice.
I only found out how to export staves.

Attachment Size
voices-satb-100.png 40.63 KB


The suggestion below only works with MuseScore 3, because the feature was not yet implemented at Musescore 4.0 - though it will probably come back in a later 4.x release.

See MuseScore 3 Handbook which explains use of invisible text S/A and T/B from the Text palette:
Be aware that you have to expand each voice staff in the Mixer, using the right-arrow button. Otherwise you won't see the separate channels.

The attached example score shows how you can mute Soprano, Alto and Tenor. That leaves only the Bass channel audible when you generate an MP3 file. For my choirs, I use a bassoon sound for Bass practice files.

It seems that leaving a single channel unmuted with all other channels muted does not survive closing and re-opening the Mixer. When the Mixer is re-opened, all channels appear as muted.

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