CRASH: Selecting multiple bars of staff+tablature and applying triplets

• Jan 20, 2023 - 11:29


Create new score, solo guitar + tablature. Press CTRL+A to select everything, and press CTRL+3 to create triplets. The program will crash.

Alternate: select any number of bars exceeding one, with both the staff and tablature selected, and apply triplets. The program will crash.

The program will not crash if you only choose the top staff OR only the bottom tablature staff. Attached is an example selection to which applying triplets crashes the program.

Attachment Size
example_selection.png 6.68 KB


If you select both the guitar staff and the tab staff, that certainly does crash MS4 when you try to create triplets. Definitely a bug.

But if you select just the guitar staff, then the triplets are created correctly. The triplet information is also transferred to the tab staff. See the second image below which shows that you can select part of a measure for each triplet.
Selection to create triplets - guitar tab.jpg
Triplet info on tab staff.jpg

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