Musescore 4 not honouring colour preference

• Feb 4, 2023 - 06:23

In Musescore 4 (as in previous versions), I set the paper colour to one of the wallpapers. This works when first set, but if I close Musescore 4 the wallpaper choice is not displayed when a score is subsequently opened. The preference settings sticks, but the wallpaper is not displayed. In order to display the desired wallpaper, I must change the preference to a different wallpaper and then change it back to the wallpaper I actually want. This only works for the current session though and the paper colour returns to white following a program restart.

Anyone else having this problem?


Hello all, thought I'd give this a bump. Is no one else having this issue? I'm finding it very frustrating that I can't set a background wallpaper for my scores. Does anyone have any suggestions for a fix?

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