Tuplets and Slurs - additional menu icons would be very helpful

• Feb 10, 2023 - 21:22

A couple of suggested additions to the symbols on the menu bar (maybe as options to add to menu bar), which I am sure others and I would find very time-saving ...

I guess by far the most frequently used tuplets are triplets. In addition to the general tuplet icon (and drop down menu), it would be very helpful to have another icon to create a triplet directly.

Likewise slurs are very commonly used to slur across three or four notes as well as across two as the present menu icon provides. A couple more icons for such slurs would save the key strokes necessary to adjust the two-note slur already provided.


It's probably easier by using shortcut keys:
Triplets: select a rest (or note) having the full duration of the desired triplet, press Ctrl+3 (Mac: Cmd+3)
Slurs: select the starting note for the slur, press S on keyboard

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