there is a desperate need for decent classical guitar sound

• Mar 12, 2023 - 05:02

this is a begging letter........the guitar sound that comes as standard sounds like a tinny Woolworth 10 dollar Childs instrument!! I (and im sure im not alone) desperately need a deep rich realistic classical guitar sample...and yes I know this is a community effort (and a damn good one in other respects) however, I just wanted to put this out there...peace!


This one on Hedsound's sample pieces sounds really good but I have not been able to achieve this level of playback in MS:

This font also has some decent guitars under the Legacy section:

If you fancy building one yourself there are some good free samples on the Philharmonia site.

It may be possible to tweak the Musescore Nylon in Polyphone because the actual samples are pretty good so I don't know why the final result is not better.

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