numering measures of a solo rest

• Mar 23, 2023 - 18:00

My score has the piano playing 9 measures before the solo comes in.
On the solo part, I put 1 measure with a 9 above it but the next measure is numbered as measure 2.
How can I put one number above a measure rest and notate that it denotes 9 measures of rests when I print the solo part?

Thank you


In reply to by Shoichi

Re-reading the initial post I am puzzled by the first sentence "My score has the piano playing 9 measures before the solo comes in.". Surely that means you already have 9 empty measures in the solo stave if it has the same number of measures as the piano staves. Therefore just create the individual parts. Multimeasure rests are turned on by default in parts but off by default in the main score.

In reply to by SteveBlower

The OP also wrote:
On the solo part, I put 1 measure with a 9 above it but the next measure is numbered as measure 2.

That statement seems like the solo part was being written as a stand-alone score. So actually 2 scores - a solo.mscz file and a separate piano.mscz file - rather than a combined score from which individual parts could be generated.

In any event, score attachment, I'm sure you'll agree, is often the best way to mitigate confusion.

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