Plugin API: Staff Type

• Apr 9, 2023 - 16:54

In a Part which has a linked TAB and Notation pair of staves, how can I identify which staff is the TAB and which is the Notation?
The .MSCX file shows StaffType group="Pitched" or "Tablature" but I can't find these properties in the API documentation for Part.



In reply to by XiaoMigros

I've been down that route but the notation even has fret number in linked staves! There must be something else that I'm missing as evident by the difference seen in the .mscx file clip shown above – and, of course, because Musescore knows to render one as TAB and the other as notation even when their positions in the paired stave are switched.

So the question really is: what elements in the object model are responsible for the section of mscx seen above?

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