Uploading Musescore 4 piece to Musescore

• Apr 19, 2023 - 16:12

I have a Musecore 4 composition that is choral SSAATTBB piece. I am trying to set up video learning tracks (dominant parts with a Grand Piano as the accented voice with the other voices slightly muted). This sounds perfect in Musescore 4 (and exported mp3s sound fine), but when I upload it to Musescore (and onwards to Youtube), the sounds and volumes that were set up in the score disappear (all voices show as Choir Ahs, full volume). Am I missing something, or is this a bug?


P.S. I am new to Musescore 4 and only loaded it to circumvent the fact that uploading to Youtube appears to be broken for Musescore 3!

Attachment Size
The_Witch_SOP1.mscz 45.59 KB


In reply to by Credochoral

I can confirm that on my PC your forum score plays back as intended - with Soprano 1 somewhat louder and emphasized by using a piano.

But on musescore.com the link which you provided plays back with Soprano 1 playing as a soprano voice.

However, I cannot download that score fro musescore.com - I think because you have published as Private or Unlisted. I just get "Access denied", so it's impossible to check whether the score is really identical to the .mscz which you posted on the forum. If the two files really are identical, then it's a problem entirely in the hands of musescore.com, and they must not refer you back to the forums on musescore.org.

Can you confirm that the two files named as The Witch SOP1 really have the same settings in the Mixer?

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