Help!! My score won't open!

• Apr 24, 2023 - 18:57

Have been working on this score for a couple of weeks now, and now it crashes every time I try to open it. Can someone help me?? If I can get it to open, I'd like to export it as an XML file so I can just work on it in MuseScore 3 until MuseScore 4 is super stable.

If anyone could help I'd really appreciate it.

Attachment Size
Please stop crashing.mscz 212.79 KB


Your score contains "crazy" voltas - with no repeat bars, some volta lines overlapping.
Here's your score to open in MuseScore 3:
Please stop crashing-MS3.mscz
For example, look at the volta line in measure 23 and in measure 24. The line can be dragged up to expose another lying beneath it.

Here's your score to open in MuseScore 4:
Please stop crashing-MS4.mscz
All voltas are deleted.

You show a 'D.S. al Coda' with no complementary 'Segno' symbol, nor a 'To Coda' to indicate the jump to the Coda.

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