Key/time/clef changes not applied to selected bars (MS 4.02)

• Apr 27, 2023 - 02:55

This may just be more of an oversight than a bug, but thought I'd mention it:
1. Select a range of bars containing a key signature that's not in the first bar of the selection.
2. Click a signature in the Key Signatures palette, or drag it onto the selection.
3. The new key is applied only to the bars up to the existing signature, rather than applied to the selection, as you'd expect.
I've noticed the same happens with time signatures and clef changes.
I realize MS targets amateur users as well as professional—so if you're concerned about people inadvertently changing existing signatures (etc.) that they've forgotten about, the existing behaviour could be the default, with an option such as "Apply time/key/clef changes to all selected bars".


"The new key is applied only to the bars up to the existing signature, rather than applied to the selection, as you'd expect."

That's not a bug, it's absolutely by design.
Any change of a subsequent time signature or key signature acts as a "stop" to the previous value. So you have to delete each later time/key signature separately.

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