Add instrument

• May 3, 2023 - 18:40

Can you please add a Flute d' amore to the Flutes section of the Woodwinds. I was able to do this in previous versions of MuseScore but I cannot do this in MuseScore 4.
The Flute d' amore is pitched in Bflat like a clarinet but uses all the other attributes of a concert flute.
Since I wish to score music for this flute, I am unable to use MuseSore 4 which seems a pity since you have made so many improvements.
Alternatively, can you please let me know how to add a different instrument list as I was able to do in previous versions.


I'm using the MSBasc sounds so I don't know know how this will work out with MuseHuib but what happens when you transpose a regular flute up by a Major 2nd or an Alto flute down by a Major 2nd? Do the MuseHub sounds go low enough in pitch?

Attachment Size
Flute_Bb.mscz 21.26 KB

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