Dot mode - shouldn't it cancel?

• Jun 23, 2023 - 21:14

In the Note Entry state, the Dot mode stays on until toggled off by the user. So if I enter Dot mode and then a quarter-note followed by another quarter-note, both quarters will be dotted. But a dotted note is much more often followed by an undotted note: a dotted quarter is most often followed by an undotted eighth. So wouldn't it make sense to have the Dot mode cancel itself automatically after the dotted note had been entered? In the great majority of cases this would save a keystroke.


There is no Dot Mode. MuseScore simply does not change the tempo from that most recently used.

You could argue that it would be better to change to an eighth note after a dotted quarter note or a sixteenth note after a dotted eighth. Now this might work some times but not others. You could have exceptions when you have 12/8, 6/4 etc. time because then you are far more likely to have two dotted notes in a row than a dotted note and an undotted shorter note. You could come up with a whole set of complex rules but in the end it's easier just to remember to enter the duration of the next note.

It would be nice to have a setting so that the user could choose what happens after entry of a dotted note:

1) Do nothing (as happens at the moment)
2) Toggle dot off
3) Toggle dot off and select matching undotted note, (e.g. an undotted eighth after a dotted quarter).

Ideally this setting would be saved with the score so that it is still active next time the score is opened for editing.

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