I wanna draw small beam with normal noteheads. Is it possible on MuseScore 4?

• Jul 2, 2023 - 18:46

I'm working on a piano sheet music and there are 8th notes as main melody and 16th notes as background sound. They are supposed to be played by right hand together, which means I must put them in one staff. I decided to make the background notes small sized so as to emphasize the main voice visually. The problem is the two parts share some notes. Because of that, I cannot just have all the background notes cue sized. Please check "current_problem.png" below.

As you can see, some of beams of 16th notes can't be cue sized due to the sharing notes. Is there any way to draw small beam even if it contains some normal sized noteheads?

My reference feature is "Liszt-Rigoletto.jpg" where 32th notes share some note with main melody and the beam is drawn thin properly.

OS: Windows 10
MuseScore version: 4.0.2

Thanks for having my question!

Attachment Size
current_problem.png 28.53 KB
Liszt-Rigoletto.jpg 70.39 KB
small_beam.mscz 17.2 KB


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