Multiple instruments same staff?

• Jul 14, 2023 - 16:21

Can you assign particular notes to a different instrument? I would like to add piano cue for example to a vocal part, but I want to give the notes a piano instrument for playback? Is this already possible or could it be added?


Possible in MuseScore 3.6.2, using Voice 1 for the vocal part and Voice2 for the cue part. You can the expand the stave's channels in the Mixer and assign a Piano sound as you want for Voice 2.

[EDIT] You have to use the Women choice for the vocal staff and place a hidden S/A element from the Text palette. The attached score demonstrates this useful trick.

I don't think it's possible in MuseScore 4, but maybe someone can offer a solution?

Attachment Size
MS_3.6.2_cue_part_on_vocal_staff.mscz 16.53 KB

In reply to by DanielR

Thank you, I've just had a look and I can't find that feature in MuseScore 4, such a shame. Also, for clarity, I'm using an oboe for the vocal part, the voice sound lacks clarity, but when it goes out of 'oboe' range the note goes red. Is there any way to override this function?

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