note color change

• Jul 24, 2023 - 10:24

Please advise how to change the color of notes to black from red which is made automatically, as you can see on the attachment. I have also no idea why those notes are colored red automatically.

Attachment Size
how to change the note color.jpg 412.32 KB
Nella_fantasia.mscz 130.91 KB


Those notes are red because you have selected Flute as the instrument and have an octave down transposing clef. Flutes can't play that low and therefore the notes are red to indicate that they are out of range. Note that the B in measure 9 is green, indicating that it is outside the "amateur" range but within the "professional" range as it would be playable on a flute with a B foot joint.

So, to get rid of that colouring you can do one of two things - both accessed by right clicking in the stave and going to staff/part properties:

a) replace the instrument with something that can play in that range;


b) edit the "Usable pitch range" to include the notes in that part.


Or you could just ignore it as it will print black and white rather than coloured.

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