Piggybacking off the MuseScore project

• Aug 29, 2023 - 23:10

Hi all,

I'd like to make an app that can programatically create a score with a desired time signature/key etc and write notes to the score.

It will essentially become a sheet music generator.

I'd love to piggyback off of the MuseScore program, but I have questions on how to actually take the important stuff.

It looks like the folders below hold useful information.


How easy is it to set up a C based environment where I can download the script dependencies to render a basic test case? I did C a while ago so I know this could potentially be difficult to set up and the learning curve will generally be quite steep.

Still I'm game for it!

Things I imagine I'll need.

  1. Symbols/assets - like the clefs, sharp and flat signs etc.
  2. A way to define the score - key and time signature, maybe number of bars
  3. A way to place a note on the score.

Of course I know this can be done in the MuseScore program, but I would eventually like to generate a score programatically.

I'd appreciate tips on what would be most useful for me and where I should begin.

Thanks for your help!


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