Display Scale Values for individual notes?

• Sep 1, 2023 - 21:43

Can MuseScore generate text labels for the Scale Values for individual notes? For example, in the Key of G, D = 5th, E = 6th, and G = 1st. See image below, in which I have pasted MuseScore into powerpoint and added the scale values by hand. It would be very helpful if MuseScore could generate text like this automatically.

As a harmonica player that's how I think of the notes. For example, "b3" ("Flat third") means more to me than "three hole draw, half-step bend" (-3' as represented by standard harmonica tablature), and it's universally understood by musicians on other instruments.

If it's not possible for MuseScore to generate these labels automatically (similar to the way it can generate tablature), is there any way I can manually add a text label to each note? Tedious, but still worth the effort (for me at this stage in my ability to read sheet music).


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MuseScore question - Scale Values.jpg 52.69 KB


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