Obstinate stave text

• Sep 15, 2023 - 18:59

I am upgrading past transcriptions to Musescore 3.5 (Yes, looking for answers has made me realise that I am way behind). My problem is that while rationalising the layout a piece of stave text seems to have ended up away from its designated position. It will not highlight, take a right click, nothing so I cannot delete it. I have been able to re-type the instruction in the right position (I used system text). Please can anyone help me sort this out? The text reads "Back to page 1 for verse 2" at the top of page for of attached score.
Yours, Olive Brookes


Maybe someone can offer an explanation as to why it happened or have an elegant way of fixing this, but I just used the brute force method of deleting the section of code that contained it. Is the attached of any use?

Attachment Size
TRY_HARDER.mscx 430.09 KB

If you switch to continuous view you will find that you can then select the obstinate text You will see that it is attached to the last measure of volta 1. Somehow it has been moved away from its default position and now appears on the "wrong" page. When that happens it is impossible too select, as you have found. You can delete it while in continuous view.

Another way to fix such obstinate items is to use CTRL+A to select everything followed by CTRL+R to reset everything to its default position. The latter method is probably easiest but it has the disadvantage of resetting all customised positions - including those that you set on purpose. After resetting the obstinate item's position it can be deleted.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Yes, Ctrl-A / Ctrl-R was also the first thing I thought.
So you can see that this text obviously belongs to measure 37.
Then execute the "Undo" command and select only this measure 37 (this also selects the text) and press Ctrl-R again without affecting other customized positions .
Now it moves to the right place and you can edit it again or even delete it.

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