How to add Quindicesima Basso ??

• Sep 19, 2023 - 17:26

I need to add 15 MB to my piece but do not know how to do so. There is an option the show MA, but that is not musically accurate and/or my reference to do so in music. How do I change the MA part to say MB?


You shouldn't. 8va is short for Ottava, not Ottava alta and so for an octave lowering you should use just 8va below the stave or 8va bassa . Similarly for two octave lowering you should use 15ma bassa. 8vb and 15mb are not (or at least shouldn't be) things in music.

In reply to by LoganS7ven

Here is what Elaine Gould says on the subject of octave indications in Behind Bars. Note there is no mention of 8vb, only 8va bassa and 8ba and also no mention of 15mb


I know some composers mistakenly uses 8vb and 15mb but they are wrong to do so. If you really want to join them you can add a quindicesima line and edit the text to read 15mb.

In reply to by LoganS7ven

Was my suggestion not detailed enough for you to follow - sorry. Here it is with pictures.

Step 1 add a 15ma bass line from the palette - you may need to look under the "More" tab.


Step 2 select the line you just added and open its text properties


Step 3 edit the beginning text to read 15mb - or whatever you prefer

You now have a line that reads 15mb in your score which is obeyed on playback. If you want to re-use it elsewhere you can CTRL+SHIFT+Drag it from the score to the palette.

Hint: Try to be a bit less insulting and others less tolerant than I am may also provide you with help.

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