Problem Launching MuseHub When Logging into my Mac Every Morning

• Sep 22, 2023 - 10:29

I'm having difficulty successfully launching MusHub. Every morning I am prompted to try to log into MuseHub. I then get caught in this never-ending loop of trying to launch MuseHub.

  1. Prompted to enter a password
  2. Enter a password.
  3. Unable to connect
  4. Enter the password again.
  5. Quit or try again.

If I'm lucky, MuseHub will launch and appear in my Mac's toolbar.

Any suggestions on how to simply launch MuseHub upon first logging in to my Apple MacBook Pro would be most appreciated.
Thank you,
Tony Ventura


I've been experiencing the same issue for a while now. Everything was working fine, and then I received an update for Musesounds, and my Musesounds folders got deleted. From that point on, I encountered the same problem, and I haven't been able to find a solution. This image is from my latest attempt. It opened, but it remained like this, and in the end, it gets stuck in the same loop as described by the previous user above.

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