Is MuseHub a Trojan horse?

• Oct 12, 2023 - 19:24

I downloaded Musescore 4 as an AppImage on Ubuntu and have been using it to edit scores locally. In the middle of editing a score I watched your video about Muse Sounds telling me how wonderful it is, with no provisos, so I downloaded the MuseHub .deb from, installed it, and suddenly I could no longer save my scores without creating an account on Despite purging the package, stopping the service and even restarting the machine, it's still the same.

What on earth?


In reply to by Shoichi

Thanks - yes I had found that thread, which is off-putting enough, but didn't seem to address this particular issue. The fact that it changed the behaviour of MuseScore mid-session made me flabbergasted, and now I can't restore the original behaviour. It's left a ~/.muse-hub hidden directory, which I've renamed to no avail, but nothing's changed in `~/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/' apart from the logs and recent files list.

In reply to by ukuser

On my system, i have this behavior when i just choose "save to cloud', and immediately cancel this operation. So without ever entering credentials (because i do not want to use such a 'cloud' service)
Just clicking on 'save to cloud' by mistake is enough to get you into a situation where you cannot save your work anymore - except if you login to MS cloud.

If you do login, even once, you don't have the problem anymore.
You credentials are then stored in a file

if you click once "Save to cloud", even when cancelling the actual save operation, then every time you choose "save as", the credentials for are asked.
This is controlled in the ini file (in Linux: ~/.config/MuseScore/MuseScore4.ini )
if the option is reset to
then no more attempts to save to the cloud are being made anymore.

(perhaps this has changed meanwhile, i did not check)

I would install the Muse Sounds Manager ( at the very end of the page) instead of Musehub. Then, at least you don't have to deal with an insecure service anymore.

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