Option for displaying tuning of zithers such as the Koto

• Oct 19, 2023 - 23:47

Not a single software I've seen has this because its really niche, but anyways:


I'd like to know if something like that is possible, mainly because (Koto pieces mainly, but shamisen can have them too) need tunings written in the staff before the actual bar line starts.

I'm not sure if I can even do this without:
(a) Inserting an image
(b) Hiding/Un-hiding stuff

The resolution usually suffers when I try to use images, and sometimes there's changes in tuning that is a pain to indicate (I'd have to open a new score, put all the string numbers in, then indicate all bridge shifting then screenshot that, then add the image back onto the original score).

I really want the developers to do this, and even though it's niche, it's a big reason for people to use musescore (like me)...


For the tuning indication, either hide the bar lines, or create a single bar by selecting the ones you want to join and use Tools > measures >join selected measures. You can hide or turn off any time signature. Then append a text frame below and add your text.

Now you can use a section break https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/using-sections-multiple-movements-o… before your actual piece, adding or removing instruments as required https://musescore.org/en/handbook/4/working-instruments

I recommend setting up some templates. You could also create a page of different tuning indications which you could copy and paste into your scores as required.

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