Selecting multiple measures without using timeline

• Nov 22, 2023 - 18:42

I need to select several measures in my score to remove accidentals that were inserted by mistake. I think I hit the wrong button at some stage . I have tried to select the cells in Timeline but when I select a cell then hit SHIFTand the 2nd it just highlights the 2nd cell, not the range. I would much prefer to select the range directly on my score, but I can't seem to make that work either. Please advise.


Select the first measure, press the Shift key, select the last measure in the range. But I can't imagine how you can remove the accidentals this way.

You can also select only (all) accidentals by right-clicking on one and using "Select all similar elements".
Or you can click on an accidental with "Select more..." and select all flats or sharps and use "Same subtype".
Or you can use "Select more..." on a note with an accidental, e.g. an F# to select all F# notes in your score with "Same note name" and change them all to an F with the down arrow key.

EDIT: The selection of measures via the timeline works at least in 3.6.2. Select the first measure, Shift+select the last measure - with the mouse.

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