I cancelled this post as I have solved my problem by reading the Tutorial

• Nov 24, 2023 - 07:33

Can you help me solve the following problem:

  • I connected my electric piano to a laptop via a USB port.
  • I checked that the connections work with the help of the following website: https://hardwaretester.com/midi
  • I would like to do one of the following two things: 1) or 2)
    1) In INPUT: Play the piano
    In OUTPUT: create a MIDI FILE that will include what I played on the piano
    2) In INPUT: open MIDI FILE
    b OUTPUT: that the piano will play the MIDI FILE
  • I learned that MuseScore 4 can do this
  • But when I am in Input Notes and I play the piano, the notes are not entered to the score which is open in MuseScore 4.

Thanks in advance for your help,


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