Percussion for all of my scores turned into MS Basic.

• Nov 26, 2023 - 02:06

Hey. I was using Musescore 4 to compose my work, when all of a sudden I noticed that the percussion sounded off. I was confused, because everything was perfectly normal just a second ago. I checked in the mixer, and it turns out that every single percussion instrument had turned into MS Basic. I looked in MuseHub, and my Muse Sounds percussion pack had somehow uninstalled itself. When I reset my computer and opened musescore, the percussion sound files were back, but every single percussion instrument in every single one of my files is now MS basic. I now have to go to every single one of them to revert this.

I just want to know how this happened.

I use a MacOS M1 on Ventura 13.2.1.


Hi- I noticed this too. Suddenly my entire strings section changed to MS Basic. I checked the mixer and found that the muse strings options disappeared. I then checked MuseHub and it started downloading the muse strings again for some reason. Perhaps they sent out a new update and that's what caused the instruments to revert to MS basic?

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