Request a staff property which can modify specific staff-lines for people with hard reading problem

• Dec 19, 2023 - 19:14

Update Dec 12,2023
Another solution I have come up for hard reading people is to make line 2&4 dotted. Please see a page before-after modifying in the last 2 attachments. When it is that way, we don’t get confused and don’t need to double check the notes. Everything seems easier while it looks more clear.

If you find this kind of notation helpful, please share this idea broadly not only to convince Musescore developers make it but also for the sake of people with hard reading problem. I need your help to bring this idea out to the world.


The standard/traditional staff consists of 5 lines which make new music learners feel very confused, often leads to afraid or even scared of reading the staff.

Therefore I think there should have a more simple staff which just consists of 3 lines: 1, 3 &5. In order word, everything is just the same as standard notation, but only line 1,3&5 are visible (i.e line 2 & 4 are invisible).

I find out with 3-line staff, a person with a not-so-good eyes like me could read the noatation better and faster. With standard staff, it is too crowded for my eyes to see clearly what it is, so that it takes a very long time to figure out, despite I am at grade 7 of ABRSM.

I want to remake scores in this way to learn better but Musecore doesn’t have a way to do it.

So I hope Musecore developers could make a feature which allow users to toggle the line 2&4 invisible/visible for every pieces. Like in the attachment. It could be a staff property or maybe a kind of new staff. I like the Muto notation, but I just want to stick with the traditional one.

I think this will be helpful for many many people with hard reading problem, not just me.

Thanks in advance!


I would actually find that useful as well lol, though in your case it seems a lot more necessary because you actually asked for it. I always have a hard time telling whether something is on the 3rd or 4th line, especially when sharing a stand and therefore not being able to put the stand close to me. In this case there would be no line there, so mixing them up would not be a problem.

In reply to by Asher S.

I agree with you, with so many lines, we always get confused and have to double check the notes from time to time, which consumses too much energy on a long piece.

By the way, instead of making line 2&4 disappear, I think we could together find a way to make it just dotted. Like in the attachments, there is a complex piece but after modified we could read the notes absolutely clear. Although it is way more clear but still sticking with the standard, so nothing much change but we don’t have to double check, because everything is so clear.

The problem is, I tried many ways, even ask the AI of google, but still I could not find a way to change the all the staff lines 2&4 into dotted lines at a time. I could do it manually with Photoshop, but it’s not efficiency in practice while we need to do a lot of pages, a lot of pieces.

So I hope Musescore could create a feature which could change the line2&4, maybe make it invisible or dotted, or both.

If you are interested in this kind of notation and find it helpful, let’s seek the solution together, and share this idea broadly, so that MuseScore developers, or maybe people in music world would listen to us.

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