Pedal MIDI data is not being sent to VST Plugins correctly 4.2.0

• Dec 19, 2023 - 23:19

I am currently writing a score that is using Virtual Drumline for the vibraphone sounds in the score. When I updated to Musescore 4.2, I noticed that none of the pedal markings for the Vibraphones were being recognized by Kontakt (the VST that is playing the Virtual Drumline sounds). I then sent the MIDI data that was being output by Musescore to a MIDI Console (I used the KVElement MIDI console) and noticed that where there would normally be a value of 127 being sent for pedal control on channel 1, there is instead a Pitch Wheel command being sent, and the pedal never activates. Attached are console screenshots for what the MIDI console should look like for the pedal data (the console was screenshot in Musescore 4.1.1, where the pedal markings were functioning normally), and a screenshot of the console with the pedal data coming from Musescore 4.2.0.

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