What is the reason that we have to uncheck "Show frames" every time?

• Dec 23, 2023 - 04:19

Why cant MuseScore remember the settings that has been used in last projects

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"Why cant MuseScore remember the settings that has been used in last projects?"

Because that's not how MuseScore works. The setting View > Show > Frames is designed to work only on the current score, and MuseScore does remember when you change the Show settings for that specific score.

I can't find any universal setting in Edit > Preferences which would apply such a setting across all scores.

[EDIT] A workaround:
1. Create an empty score and disable View > Show > Frames
2. Save the empty score and then copy the score to your Templates folder
(find the location in Edit > Preferences > Folders > Templates )
3. Open the template score and save it with a new name and a new location every time you need a new score

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