Subjects: (1) getting repeats correct, and (2) getting jazz font

• Dec 28, 2023 - 19:06

Hello Musescore Forum People:

I am using MuseScore- on Ubuntu.

I've attached my score.

I have 2 questions:

Question 1. How to I get the repeat correct over measures 7 and 8? While it playes those measure on the first repeat, it also plays measur 8 on the 2nd repeat and does not go directly to measure 9 where the 2nd repeat is.

I recall stretching the repeat indicator to the end of measure 8, although it was (and still is) anchored to the end of measure 7.

Also, how to I correctly indicate that measures 8 and 9 are the second repeat?

Question 2: This is a jazz arrangment. In older versions I could use jazz fonts. How to I do this with V4.2?

Thank you,

Attachment Size
Skylark.mscz 39.97 KB


Hello Musescore 4 Community:

To load jazz font styles in linux use:

Format > Load style > Music (folder) > Musescore Styles (folder) > MuseJazz.mss

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