Tablature numbering relative to only nut or capo option

• Dec 28, 2023 - 19:34

I propose that there should be the option to have the numbering on tablature be relative only to the nut or only to the capo (if a capo should be specified).
In most cases, this option may seem useless as generally tab is always relative to the capo if it being used. However, if a player wishes to use a partial capo (ie. a capo placed over only some instead of all strings), things can become a lot more confusing to read or to write.
Consider the example of a guitar with a capo stopping fret 2 on all but the lowest E string. If you were to 'barre' the 3rd fret (relative to the capo), the tab would show '3' on all the strings except the low E string for which it would show a '5' (since it's relative to the nut). In this case, it would be easier for a performer to be able to read the tab of all the strings relative to the capo instead. (Especially if none of the frets behind the capo are to be used on the string without the capo.) That way the tab would read '3' on all strings despite the partial capo.
On the other hand, should you have a partial capo with which the majority of strings are not stopped, it may be easier to read the tab relative to the nut instead. (I understand this situation is likely much less common, perhaps even impossible, however I still think it is worth considering.) So to take a similar case as the previous example, if only the top B and E strings are stopped by the capo on the 2nd fret, and you were to 'barre' the third fret (relative to the capo), the tab would read '3' on the top two strings, and '5' on the bottom four. It could be preferable to 'ignore' the capo and write the tab only relative to the nut, giving you '5' on all strings.

This option could be in the properties tab when clicking on a tab part. There would be three options:
- tab numbering relative to capo and nut (if partial capo)
- tab numbering relative only to nut
- tab numbering relative only to capo

Obviously, depending on whether a (partial) capo is being used or not, you'd be prevented from using certain option.

Attachment Size
guitar tab.png 50.3 KB


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