Marching Percussion Sounds - for Version 4.2

• Jan 3, 2024 - 22:32

When will the marching percussion sounds be available for Version 4.2? Forced to use Version 3 since correct sounds not available in 4.



The correct sounds are available, just not within muse sounds. The ability to use these at all is a huge improvement over MU3, and I recommend you continue to use MU4. For example, create an accordion score in 4. Since accordion is not available in the muse sounds library, it will default to muse basic. Essentially, what you use in musescore 3. I don’t remember there ever being a difference between a marching snare and an orchestral snare in MU3. I do agree that it would be nice if these sounds were actually existential rather than just shown on the hub website. But I think it would be much worse to move back to version three just because it isn’t what was expected. You might have noticed @shoogle they mentioned the feature of voice dynamics in the post “looking ahead to MuseScore 4.2” (, but this was not implemented int the final product. Just be patient, and it might come sometime.

In reply to by FBXOPWKDOIR2

XD sorry, I can’t tell if you’re serious.
The accordion and percussion were not supposed to be the same score. I was just using it as an example of ms basic in MU4, which I used for at least 3 months before getting muse sounds. I did find out that if you go back to 3 you can use drumline, which, although not as good sounding, is the same file format as muse sounds. Fine. Go back if you want. But judging by the fact that you were using MuseScore 4.2, you’re going to have a hard time getting all your scores back to MU3. Unless you use 3.7 (evolution).

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