STRANGE BUT TRUE! MS 4.2 on Mac OS Catalina

• Jan 16, 2024 - 08:26

Good morning everyone, on 12/22 I wrote here on the forum:
On my MacBook Air (Sonoma 14.0) I had version 4.1 which never gave me any problems. This morning I wanted to download 4.2, but to be safe, I kept both. When opening it, no problem, but when closing the program, on the second attempt it doesn't open it anymore and not only that, the same problem also occurs with 4.1.
After uninstalling, trying to reinstall again, checking privacy and security permissions etc., yesterday I decided to try to repair the startup disk with Disk Utility and then reinstall MacOS (which for my computer was Catalina). I wanted to share the result with you, hoping it might help. With Catalina I unexpectedly managed to download version 4.2 without Muse Hub (Catalina did not meet the requirements) and I can confirm that it works perfectly!!!
Sorry for my English but I don't know the language.
Thanks to those who answer me.


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