Video game music utilizing both MS basic and Muse Sounds

• Jan 18, 2024 - 14:58

Something that I made for a competition that does not exist anymore :)


In reply to by Asher S.

LOVE that first one: "Shop Thing" hits 100%.

Love the "Mycophobia" too, but the title (not very important) and the intro (much more so) seem thematically to be from a different song than the A-part and B-part. After that title and intro I was expecting scary and mysterious music, rather than the light, airy piece that followed. The B-part is ... more like what I had expected (based on the intro), but it's much more similar thematically to the A-part than to the intro. Both intro and main body of music are neat; they just feel like they came from different works. (I hope I'm making it clear that I do like this piece!!! :-)

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