A MuseScore keyboard! :)

• Jan 22, 2024 - 06:02

This could be a nice feature request as well as a business proposition for the creators of this wonderful free software.

How about designing and producing a small keyboard (1/3 or 1/4 of a real one in size, Bluetooth and/or USB) specifically to enter "bare necessities" of music into MuseScore?

It (as a minimum) would have:
- ABCDEFG all in one row (so that one wouldn't jump all over the keyboard for entering notes);
- keys for ♯, ♭, ♮, ♯♯, ♭♭, cancellation;
- arrows and Alt, Shift;
- nice keys for controlling the length (whole, half, quarter, ... 1/64.) -
actual music symbols instead of "1,2,3,4,5,6,7";
- tremble, bass, alto, tenor clefs;
- plus, minus (dash), space, insert, delete.

In short, just a bare minimum that would still allow to do 80% of work.

I would personally love to buy such a keyboard and pay $50, maybe $100 :)

It also could be a great and interesting exercise / a challenge for designers / usability experts (I would love to participate myself, and have free time, - just let me know:)).

What do you think?


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