Dal Segno al Doppia Coda jump not functioning

• Jan 25, 2024 - 11:43

I'm trying to jump in the sequence of bar 85 → bar 50, bar 65 → bar 86 with a D. S. al Doppia Coda direction, but for some reason it just plays the score in order at that point. I've checked all the marker labels a dozen times and they all should be properly pointing to one another, and the Da Capo al Coda earlier in the piece from bar 48 → bar 1, bar 19 → bar 49 plays back as directed without any issues, so I have no idea what if anything I'm doing wrong here. Can someone with more experience with the program explain to me how to fix this, please?

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It seems to work when

  • m.54 volta 2 chooses the no end/right hook type
  • m.65 changes marker Property panel > Label from "coda" to "varcoda"

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