Chord sheet without any score - just chord symbols

• Feb 13, 2024 - 16:03

I'd like to be able to print just the chord symbols, whithout the pentagram/score, so I can use the whole sheet to print large chord symbols. Is that possible?
Thank you.


It is possible.
I would take a simple percussion instrument, e.g. slap, triangle, finger snapping, cymbal, etc. and write notes or rests in the correct rhythm.
Then mute the notes and make them or the rests invisible.
Now write the chords.
And finally, you can make the staves, time signature, bar lines etc. invisible. I would not hide everything and switch to rhythmic slash notation.
See the picture. Everything that is light gray is hidden and will not appear on a printout.
You can also delete the instrument names.
In Format -> Styles -> Text Styles -> Chord Symbol you can adjust the font size.

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