Staff/System Spacing Question

• Feb 16, 2024 - 20:38

I'm trying to figure out why I have several pages in the middle of my score that are stuck on one system per page even when my stave/system settings are all set to 0.0. Why are pages 9-11 of this arrangement stuck at one system per page? It happens a few more times further on in the piece as well. Pictures attached. My first thought was because pages 9-11 have lyrics between every staff and pages 7-8 do not, the staves on 9-11 just can't condense any further. But pages 4-5 also have lyrics between every staff, and they were able to fit two systems per page no problem. Any ideas?


Reduce the scaling in Format>Page settings

Or reduce the suze of the top and bottom margins. Also in Format>Page settings.

It probably only needs a small adjustment of either setting.

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