Backing Track creation

• Mar 31, 2024 - 23:46

We use MuseScore to write up multiple part music for ensemble work with children who are playing solo instruments and learning through Zoom Sessions.

We export the piece to MP3 format and upload it to the Google Classroom so they can practice at home with the full score and with their instrument piece only.

We have been creating backing tracks by exporting all the individual instruments the putting them together again in a Music Studio App until we found out we could lower the volume on an individual instrument before exporting from MuseScore to create the backing track.

Would it be possible to have a Backing Track export function which automatically reduced either the selected instrument to the Zero Output level or if all instruments are selected then go through each one in turn setting them to Zero for the export before returning them to the level previously set.

Best regards


> ...we found out we could lower the volume on an individual instrument before exporting from MuseScore to create the backing track.

For MuseScore 4, here's an easier way...
In the Instruments panel, click on the "eyeball" icon (to close it) for an instrument. This will allow you to export a backing track to mp3 by selecting 'Main score' in the export dialog. (No need to select any parts in that dialog.)
Open the "eyeball" icon and repeat for any other instruments.

... and another possibility:

Don't send them .MP3 at all! Have the students install MuseScore and then send them the .MSCZ file itself. That way they can adjust tempo for practice instead of being stuck at the .MP3 tempo. They can turn off their own part in the Mixer.

Yes, most children will be quite capable of doing this. They're usually better at computers (even WAAAY better) than their elders. :-)

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