Can I switch a whole piece from 6/8 to 3/4 and adjust the note types?

• Apr 2, 2024 - 20:24

If I just change the time signature then all the eight notes stay the same and it's the same meassure but with a misplaced beat. I want to also change all the eight notes to quarter notes and such. Is that possible?


I think what you want is Edit / Paste Double Duration. Experiment with it a bit and make a backup copy of your piece before trying this.

But "it's the same measure but with a misplaced beat" is the defining difference between 3/4 and 6/8.

I can't test it right now, but this is how I would proceed:

  1. double the number of measures by adding the same number again (Add measures...)
  2. select all existing notes and cut them (Ctrl+x)
  3. change the time signature to 3/4
  4. use "Edit -> Paste -> double duration" in measure 1.

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