Colour individual staff lines?

• Apr 5, 2024 - 08:02

Is there a possibility to colour individual staff lines?

I'm a violin teacher, and teaching small children how to differentiate notes on a 5 line staff is a quite daunting task. I have this idea of giving some colour to some of the lines to make them stand out more and easier to identify and differentiate from each other (much like a harp has some colored strings).

I have found the possibility to color all the staff lines, and to reduce the number of staff lines, but that doesn't really do the trick. If there's no option in the current build of MuseScore, would it be possibly to add it for later builds, or as a plugin? (Unfortunately I have no skills in programming...)

A picture says more than a thousand words - see attached illustration. Obviously I'd like the staff lines to stay behind any objects/notes etc (not like in the illustration).

best regards

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Coloured staff lines.jpg 44.56 KB

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