master palette

• Apr 7, 2024 - 08:10

Thought I would give version 4 another shot. A couple of questions: when I bring up the Master Pallete using View, in the past I could click on the score and the pallette would go behind, but now it doesn't. So to move it out of the way I have to X it and then bring it up again each time I use it. Is there a better alternative?

2. When I click play, the vertical moving blue bar is slower than what is actually played so there is a mismatch. Is there a way to fix this? thanks all. v


"In the past" means in former MuseScore versions?
At least, in MuseScore 3 it is not the case that the palette window disappears behind the main window.

In reply to by HildeK

Yes, I've been using v 3.6 on a 15 year old MacBook Air and couldn't use version 4 cause it's too old to upgrade the OS to use MS4. I recently bought a used Dell laptop with Windows to use version 4. With the Mac I have a sliver of the pallette in view and can click that to bring it to the foreground and then just click in the score to put the score in the foreground. This doesn't happen with the Dell so maybe it is an operating system feature and not the Musescore program?

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